Why Sourdough?
I've been fascinated about Sourdough for ages, loving the taste, but not actually making my own, I decided it was time to do some research.I discovered the amazing book by Vanessa Kimbell and downloaded the Kindle version. This isn't just a recipe book, but a full introduction to working with sourdough plus the science behind it. I'm especially interested due to the gluten/wheat intolerance that happens in so many of my students.
The health impact of sourdough is incredible, there's so much to read.
Looking to find a sourdough starter, the BakeryBits website had a huge range of baking equipment including bannetons (the baskets used to prove the dough in) and also sourdough starters.
My order arrived on Friday, just in time for the weekend and gave me the opportunity to start refreshing my starter and making my first loaves.
I was amazed at the different method used to make the loaves. Much longer due to working with the sourdough starter, but also how the water is incorporated as the dough is folded.
It's also great, that after making the loaves, you can leave them proving in the fridge until you are ready to bake them.
My timings were slightly out this first time and I struggled to get the lame (cutting blade) to slice the top of my finished loaf, but I'm really pleased with my first attempt.
I've got a second loaf still in the fridge in a normal bread tin, so will bake that tomorrow to take to my parents.
Time to order a second banneton so that both can be sat in the fridge ready for baking.
This was the result of my first baking, it tastes amazing and I can't wait to start my second batch on Friday night, ready for a Saturday baking session.
The sourdough starter has been named Noah by hubby, it is the French starter from the Sourdough School and comes with a jar to keep it in and comes with flour and recipe cards.
There is so much you can do with the starter, time to look for recipes that use sourdough, my team at college need to be prepared for some different treats other than cupcakes and cakes.
If you have tried any great recipes and are willing to share, I'd be extremely grateful.